Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Favorite Genre and Why? || Tuesday Talks April 21, 2015

Hello everyone!

Today I'd like to take a moment to talk about favorite genres. I thought about making this a video post, but ultimately decided it would be better to just jot my thoughts down in writing instead (and my camera needs to be charged.)

Today's Tuesday Talks is about what your favorite genre is and why. I've mentioned in a few videos that I don't like that question because I feel like I don't have a favorite genre, I like a wide range of genres. Instead of narrowing down to one genre I thought I'd talk about a few of the genres I find myself reading most often and why.

Dystopian: I've noticed that I've been reading a lot of Dystopian novels as of late. I enjoy dystopian because you can do so much with the genre and it gives you a new outlook on life. Although I've read a number of dystopian lately I'm actually starting to get tried of the genre, to be honest. I feel like there is so much that could be done with the genre, instead it feels like the same story is being recycled. Would I consider dystopian a favorite? Yes and no. Yes, mainly because it seems to be the bulk of what I've been reading and no, because I don't actively search for dystopian novels to read.

Contemporary/Chick-Lit: I don't read contemporary often, but I would consider it one of my favorite genres. I enjoy a good 'chick-lit' novel every now and then, sometimes you are just in the mood for a good light happy book. I like to read contemporary novels when I'm in the mood for something that isn't extremely intense or if I'm looking for something that is realistic. Everyone has those moods, right? As far as strictly 'chick-lit' books, I read those even less often than other contemporary books. I typically pick up a chick lit book when I'm looking for something bubbly, fun, light, and has an overall happy feel to it.

Horror/Mystery/Thriller: If I did have to choose just one specific genre it would have to be psychological thrillers. I love a good thriller, especially the psychological ones. I haven't read too many of these types of books lately, but I do love them. I enjoy these genres because they make you think, they give you an excuse to channel your inner detective to try and figure out the story before the end.

Biography/Memoir: I enjoy reading books by my favorite celebrities. I know a lot of people criticize famous people for writing books, but I thoroughly enjoy reading them (with the exception of a few). That being said, I haven't yet read that many non celebrity memoirs. The ones I have read I have enjoyed because the stories they tell are eye opening and moving. I find the ones I pick up most, whether it be to read or put on my wishlist, are those that deal with some type of underlying psychological issue. I find the human mind fascinating and it is part of the reason I went into psychology.

I also tend to enjoy humor novels, everyone loves a good laugh every now and then! I wouldn't consider humor on of my favorite genres though, because I typically only ever pick up a humor book if it is on the bargain shelf or it just happens to catch my eye. That being said, I do enjoy humor mixed within other genres as well.

Genres I don't read, but I am trying to get more into: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and classics. I enjoy the idea of fantasy and have found quite a few books that spark my interest, I just need to take the jump and start reading that genre. As for classics, I have noticed as I get older the more I am interested in picking up some of the classics I missed out on in high school, and some others that just look interesting.

That's all I have on the subject at this time. I hope you all enjoyed this, thanks for taking the time to read it!! :)

Let me know some of your favorite genres!! :D Let's chat!

Until next time,


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